English Texts

English Articles and Speeches

22.3.2024 Jahreskongress der portugiesischen Gesellschaft für  Psychiatrie in Peniche Portugal: „Vulnerability, fragility and the potential of change“. Presentation.

Is there a normal and a pathological depressive affect?
Speech held by Daniel Hell at the 13th “Congresso Nacional de Psiquiatria” in Vilamoura, Portugal, on Jan. 25, 2018.

Can Depression Also Make Sense? (PDF)

The Self during the crisis – crisis of the Self.
Do we still need the concept of self-esteem? What is the future of the Self? 3rd Meeting of the Scientific Sections of the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SPPSM) 19th and 20th November 2020

Listening to the prereflexive Self
Video from the Portuguese National Psychiatric Congress on Nov 18th 2021 (Private Practise Section SSPSM)

English Books

Soul Hunger

The Feeling Human Being and the Life Sciences
Einsiedeln: Daimon 2010
Extract Soul Hunger

Edgar Heim
in: Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 162(8):338, 2011
Yoram Inspector
in: Journal of Analytical Psychotherapy 57(3):396–98, 2012